Converting MySQL tables to UTF-8
Quick and easy code to convert the character set of a MySQL table to UTF-8. Of course this works for all character sets not just UTF ALTER TABLE tbl_name CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
Quick and easy code to convert the character set of a MySQL table to UTF-8. Of course this works for all character sets not just UTF ALTER TABLE tbl_name CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;
Just a quick reminder and example to myself really for this useful MySQL string function. Syntax: REPLACE( table_field, search, replace) Example (replaces all instances of donkey with horse: UPDATE `table` SET `table_field` = REPLACE( `table_field`, ‘donkey’, ‘horse’)
I recently rebuilt the Cornwall24 website in the hope that upgrading from a 3 year old verwion of PostNuke to a new version of WordPress might stop the site taking down the server by overloading MySQL at least once a… Read More »Speeding up MySQL
Here’s an SQL query that’ll return all the duplicate rows in your table. SELECT `id`, COUNT(*) as `dup` FROM `table_name` GROUP BY `id` HAVING `dup` > 1 ORDER BY `dup`
The problem: What I wanted to do here was find a way of speeding up a query that was run on MySQL database on a different server. Also I’m a big fan of caching generally, especially when the data is… Read More »Caching remote MySQL queries with PHP